
I don’t make it a secret that I’m not fond of snow.  Why am I saying this?  Because about 4:30 this afternoon, we had a ‘sudden’ deluge of snowflakes.  We knew it was coming, so it wasn’t quite sudden, but as much at the start and as quickly as it started from just a little sprinkling of rain, it seemed sudden for that moment.  Why don’t I like snow that much?  I’ll leave it at a really bad experience, (ok, several bad experiences) when I was a kid.  I just haven’t gotten past those experiences, but I am working on it.  I even drove in the snow today.

That brought me to, remembering.  Remembering my childhood, even just the past few years of my adulthood.  Funny how my devotional today was about remembering God’s blessings.

Ps. 77:11-12

11 But then I recall all you have done, O LORD;
I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago.
12 They are constantly in my thoughts.
I cannot stop thinking about your mighty works.
This verse was written before Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, so the author was not specifically referring to Jesus, but for us, in modern times, this is one of the wonderful deeds that the Lord has done for us.  What He has done for us all along, is His grace.  He’s also given us His love.  He’s done this from the beginning.  We need to remember that and be grateful.
We should keep these memories in our thoughts, always.  For when we stop thinking about all he’s done for us, we start taking it for granted.  We don’t appreciate them.  When was the last time you were thankful for a beautiful day?  Or for being able to see the wonderful things around you? Or waking up in the morning?  Or simply, breathing?  I can tell you, that I AM thankful for all these things.  I’m even thankful for the snow that is falling right now, even though I don’t like snow, I’m thankful for it.  Why?  My youngest referred to freshly fallen snow as a reminder from God that he cleanses us and makes us as pure as the snow, as long as we repent, take up our cross, and follow him.  Amazing what a child can remind do and just refresh your memory.
So, what are you remembering, and what are you going to be grateful for?